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In order to gather attention to our event, we will post local ads in the newspaper (according to if our budget allows for this or not), try to connect with local companies, and have business cards and fliers on standby to pass out-these will also be passed out at the event. Local vendors are specifically invited to this event; however, we will cater to any public, potential clients. Our maximum in the room at once is 100. There will be a presentation at our event showcasing our specialties.

Marketing and Business


We will use Facebook in order to update and keep in close contact with potential clients and businesses who may not use other social sites such as Twitter. Facebook will be the easiest and most productive way of promoting my business through social media. This will also be our primary website until our official website is launched.

We will use Twitter as a platform for more frequent, "mini" updates while promoting our business, as well as to casually chat with our followers, potential clients, etcetera. We will also use this to keep in touch with other vendors and venues, as well as show photos of some of our work. This will be linked with Instagram.

Pinterest will be used as a way to promote creative ideas for our clients. This will be the easiest tool for our clients to refer to as they can peruse ideas and plan from the comfort of their home.

Instagram will be an excellent tool for our clients to use, as they will have the ability to see what projects we are currently working on. They will be able to garner an idea of what their wedding could like like. This will be an excellent promotional tool in terms of viewable proof of events we have completed.

LinkedIn will be a platform that clients can go to to see what experience our team has. Our official company's page is currently under construction.


Reserved-Parking-V.I.P.-Sign-K-5485 (1).


Upon arriving, our potential clients and vendors will have reserved parking to ease the trouble of finding a spot. There will be a few attendents on standby to escort guests to the second floor. Fliers and business cards will be presented in welcome packets, along with pencils with our logo printed on them.
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